Earn Blast Gold Rewards

We are currently in Phase 2 of the Blast Gold campaign (https://blog.blast.io/phase-2-users/). This means that the Gold you earn will be redeemable for the BLAST token in June 2025. How to Earn Gold?

Earn Blast Gold rewards by depositing liquidity on Fenix during the Open Beta!

Gold allocations for all protocols on Blast change every month according to distributions made by the Blast team. To see how much Gold you can earn, head over to https://www.fenixfinance.io/liquidity and hover over the Gold icons on the liquidity page to see how much is allocated to a pool and deposit to earn rewards.

Blast Gold on Fenix is given proportional to Fenix Rings earned. See the previous page to learn how to optimise the amount of Rings you can earn. Tips: We focus Gold on core ecosystem asset pools like USDB/WETH & BLAST/WETH as these have the most utility for traders on the network. Another way to maximise your Gold rewards potential is to compare how much Gold is allocated to the pool and the current amount of liquidity deposited. For example:

  • Pool A has 3000 Blast Gold and $100,000 deposited.

  • Pool B has 3000 Blast Gold and $50,000 deposited.

Then Pool B has higher Gold earning potential. Do this across different pools to stay ahead of the game and maximise rewards from your liquidity.

Last updated