Swapping Tokens

  1. Connect your wallet: Connect your wallet to the Fenix UI on the top right-hand corner.

  2. Select your tokens: Browse the wide range of tokens available on Fenix.

  3. Input amounts: Choose how much of the token you want to swap and review the estimated amount you’ll receive.

  4. Assessment: How “good” the swap is can be estimated by seeing the price impact of the swap. Click the arrow to the right of “Tx details” to see this information. This is a measure of the difference for the USD value of the token you want to swap compared to the USD value you will receive. The lower the price impact (in positive % terms) the better.

  5. Slippage: This represents the minimum USD value you are willing to receive for the swap. If you want to limit price impact to 0.5% then select that value on the cog icon at the top right-hand side of the swap box. Exceeding the user-defined slippage setting reverses the transaction.

  6. Approval Required: This allows the contracts to access your tokens to execute the swap. By default, Fenix sets access to unlimited meaning you do not need to approve tokens every time you swap. If you do not want the contracts to have unlimited access you can set a custom amount via your wallet interface.

  7. Click Swap: Review the transaction details, including gas fees, and confirm the transaction through your connected wallet.

  8. Transaction Successful: Once completed a pop-up on the right hand side will show to say if the transaction has been successful or reverted. You can view the transaction details on the Blast explorer by clicking on “View in block explorer”.

Last updated